



区域Regional Features
城际交通Intercity transportation
温泉核心Center of hot springs
前瞻规划Anticipatory planning
生态新城Green newtown
实力铸城Build the region with tremendous strength
因为我们,城市版图从此改变The city’s domain starts changing because of us
地贵天成,寿光最先成熟的宜居板块The land was born precious, as the first mature and livable plot in Shouguang
城际交通——便捷的效率生活Intercity transportation
最先成熟的温泉核心区The first mature region at the centre of the hot springs
前瞻规划——纯粹的居住核心区Aniticipatory planning-Pure central residential area
生态新城,环境宜人Green newtown with pleasant environment
品牌房产,实力铸城 品质筑家Brand real estate, building the region with tremendous strength and constructing the home with high quality

一纵四横城市主干交通系统A transportation system with one vertical and three horizontal main roads
寿光实验小学明珠校区Pearl Campus of Shouguang Experimental Primary School
300亩开放式城市公园An open park covering an area of 300 acres
3000㎡业主会所A clubhouse covering an area of 300 ㎡
逾12万m2商业航母A commercial flagship of over 120 thousand m2
因为我们,生活标准从此改变Life level starts changing because of us
城市级生活配套,宜居品质标杆Urban life facilities and the benchmark of livable quality
一纵四横城市主干交通系统,打造便捷出行体系 The transportation system with one vertical and three horizontal main roads forms a convenient traveling system
寿光实验小学明珠校区,36班小学、15班幼儿园Pearl Campus of Shouguang Experimental Primary School, which has 36 classes, together with a kindergarten of 15 classes
300亩开放式城市公园An open park covering an area of 300 acres
拥享业主会所,定制服务尊崇You will enjoy as an owner customized service from the club
逾12万m2商业航母,重构寿光商业未来A commercial flagship of over 120 thousand m2, restructuring the future of Shouguang’s commerce

四重核心景观联袂呈现A united manifestation of four layers of central landscape
三重立体植物种植Three dimensional plantation
87种植物经典搭配,四季暗香浮动A classical collection of 87 kinds of plants let the fragrance remains through four seasons
严密景观施工控制系统Strict control system of the landscape construction
因为我们,品质标准从此改变The quality standard starts changing because of us
冠盖芳华,寿光首席生态宜居大盘The leading livable plot of Shouguang championing both fragrance and beauty

造型典雅,精致无痕Elegant and delicate style without any default
因为我们,建筑美学从此改变The aesthetics of architecture starts changing because of us

新城明珠·鼎园Pearl Town. Ding Yuan
一期鼎园,蓄势待发The First Phase of Dingyuan is ready to launch
经典户型鉴赏With classical rooms
改变从这里开始Change starts here
物管与团队Property management team
管家式服务,让感动常在will serve you like a steward and move you all the time
智能服务,科技领先生活Intelligent service enables you to lead a life of technology
强强联合,共铸美好家园The combination of the advantages will build together a better home
因为我们,物业服务从此改变Property service starts changing because of us
人以地尊、地以人传Man gains reputation because of this land he owns, while the land will be passed on by man

明珠会会员章程Rules for Members of Pearl Club



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